# Glossary

# Common terms

# Affiliate network

A platform that acts as an intermediary between an advertiser and a partner (affiliate). Advertisers place their offers on the network, and affiliates promote them through their marketing channels, such as websites, social networks or email campaigns. The platform tracks the results of promotion and manages payments to affiliates for leads or actions taken.

# Campaign

The centerpiece of the Keitaro tracker, used to manage and track advertising flows, campaigns, landings and offers. Campaigns allow the user to set up and optimize traffic routing, analyze its sources and effectiveness, and conduct AB testing of various creatives and landings.

# Conversion

The action performed by the user.

  • Lead - a user signs up, or requests to register.
  • Sale - a user performed the action that you have a payout for.
  • Rebill - a user performed the action that you have an additional payout for.
  • Rejected - the condition that either a user rejected the offer, or the lead was rejected by the affiliate network.

# Filter

A certain condition that passes the user to the flow.

# Flow

An advertising funnel where traffic is being split.

# Landing

An intermediate page that a user reaches after clicking on an ad link and before clicking on an offer.The landings are also called pre-landers in traffic arbitrage.

# Money Page

A page intended for the target audience. The content of the page is hidden from bots and advertising analyser services.

# Offer

The service or product of the advertiser that needs to be promoted. For example, a promotional offer in an affiliate network, your own website or a product on a website.

# Placeholder (or macros)

A small code that is executed at the time of use.

# Postback

In traffic arbitrage and marketing, postback is a method used to transmit information about user actions on a website, such as purchasing a product, signing up, or completing another specific action, from the advertiser's server (affiliate network, your site) to the tracker's server to confirm the conversion.

# S2S Postback (or WebHook)

A way to pass the information to an external service.

# Safe page

A page intended for bots and moderators. The content of the page complies with the rules of the advertising network.

# Traffic source

A resource from which users click on the ad campaign link, a channel, or platform from which the traffic comes to offers. Sources can include social networks, search engines, partner websites, advertising networks, email newsletters, and other channels. Keitaro tracker uses sources to analyze and optimize ad campaigns to understand which of them are delivering the highest ROI.

# Reports

# Approve %

Shows how many conversions in lead (reg) statuses transfer to conversions with sale (dep) statuses.

# Bots

Total number of clicks identified as bots according to the tracker settings and additional bot lists.

The bot database includes:

  • Search bots — search engine robots that crawl and index web pages.
  • Crawlers — specialized programs that automatically scan web pages to gather information and create indexes.
  • Parsers — programs that automatically collect data from websites.

# Conversions

Total number of conversions.
Formula: sum of lead conversions + sum of sale conversions

# Cost

An indicator that shows the amount of money spent on an advertising campaign. Cost is passed through the {cost} parameter or obtained by other methods.


Cost per action, the cost of engagement.
Formula: cost / (sum of lead conversions + sum of sale conversions + sum of rejected conversions)


Cost per click, the expense of one click.
Formula: cost / number of clicks


Cost per lead.
Formula: cost / number of conversions in lead status


Cost per sale.
Formula: cost / number of conversions in sale status

# CR

Conversion rate, shows how many clicks turn into conversions.
Formula: number of conversions / number of clicks × 100

# CR (hold)

Shows how many clicks transfer to conversions in lead status.
Formula: number of conversions in lead status / number of clicks × 100

# CR (regs to deps)

Shows how many registrations are converted to deposits.
Formula: number of reg conversions / number of dep conversions × 100

# CRs (sales)

Shows how many clicks convert to sales.
Formula: number of conversions in sale status / number of clicks × 100

# Deposits

Total number of conversions in dep status.

# EC (all)

Earnings per conversion, income from all conversions.
Formula: (revenue from sale (dep) conversions + revenue from lead (reg) conversions) / number of conversions

# EC (confirmed)

Earnings per conversion in sale (dep) status.
Formula: income from sale (dep) conversions / number of conversions

# eCPC

Cost of 1000 clicks.
Formula: cost / number of clicks x 1000

# eCPM (all)

Earnings per 1000 clicks.
Formula: (revenue from lead (reg) conversions + revenue from sale (dep) conversions) / number of clicks x 1000

# eCPM (confirmed)

Earnings per 1000 clicks in sale (dep) status.
Formula: revenue from sale (dep) conversions / number of clicks x 1000

# Empty referrers

Total number of clicks with an empty referrer.

# EPC (all)

Earnings per click.
Formula: (revenue from lead conversions + income from sale conversions) / number of clicks

# EPC (confirmed)

Earnings per click in sale (dep) status.
Formula: revenue from sale (dep) conversions / number of clicks

# EPC (hold)

Earnings per click in lead (reg) status.
Formula: revenue from lead (reg) conversions / number of clicks

# Leads

Total number of conversions in lead status.


Landing page click-through rate, shows the conversion rate of a landing page.
Formula: clicks on offer / visits to landing page x 100

# Profit/Loss (all)

Calculated from the difference of total revenue and cost.

# Profitability

Highlights the line of the report in color depending on the ROI. Green color — positive profitability, red — negative profitability.

# Proxies

Total number of clicks on which proxy usage was detected.

# Registrations

Total number of conversions in reg status.

# Rejected

Total number of conversions in rejected status.

# Revenue

Total income received from leads (lead, reg) and sales (sale, dep).

# Revenue (confirmed)

The sum of income from all conversions in sale status.

# Revenue (deposit)

The sum of income from all conversions in dep status.

# Revenue (hold)

The sum of income from all conversions in lead status.

# Revenue (registration)

The sum of income from all conversions in reg status.

# Revenue (rejected)

The sum of income from all conversions in rejected status.

# ROI (all)

Return of investment, payback indicator.
Formula: ((income from lead (reg) conversions + income from sale (dep) conversions) - cost) / cost * 100

# ROI (confirmed)

Return of investment in sales (deposits).
Formula: ((income from sale (dep) conversions) - cost) / cost * 100

# Sales

Total number of conversions in sale status.

# Time since LP click

The time spent on the landing page. It is calculated if the click passed to the offer according to the Landings → Offers scheme, and the tracker received a postback. It is not calculated if “Send to campaign” is selected as an action for an offer.

# CPuC

Cost per unique click.
Formula: cost / number of unique clicks

# UCR (unique clicks to registrations)

Shows how many unique clicks convert to registrations.
Formula: number of conversions in reg status / number of unique clicks * 100

# UEPC (all)

Еarnings per unique click.
Formula: (revenue from lead (reg) conversions + revenue from sale (dep) conversions) / number of unique clicks

# UEPC (confirmed)

Еarnings per unique click in sale (dep) status.
Formula: revenue from sale (dep) conversions / number of unique clicks

# UEPC (hold)

Еarnings per unique click in sale (dep) status.
Formula: revenue from sale (dep) conversions / number of unique clicks

# Unique click

Click of the unique user. The uniqueness of the user is determined by the settings within the campaign.

# Unique clicks (campaign)

Total number of unique clicks within campaigns.

# Unique clicks (flow)

Total number of unique clicks within flows.

# Unique clicks (global)

Total number of unique clicks within the tracker.

# Upsells

Total number of conversions in rebill status. +link

# Click reports

# Click ID

An internal click parameter, used for tracker operations.

# Destination

The URL to which the visitor is directed after the click.

# Empty referrer

Whether the click provides information about the referrer (yes or no)

# IP 1.2.*.*, IP 1.2.3.*

Subnet mask, allows to output data depending on the subnet of clicks.

# Landing clicked

Was the offer clicked from the landing page? (yes or no)

# LP click time

Shows how much time has passed between clicking on the landing page and clicking on the offer.

# Parent campaign

A campaign from which the click came on "Send to campaign" action applying to the first campaign.

# Parent clicks subid

Subid of the parent clicks, specified by the "Send to campaign" action. They are listed separated by commas.

# Referrer

URL address from which the transition was made.

# Subid

The unique click ID in Keitaro. It is generated each time a user clicks on a campaign or intergation link. It is used to match conversions to a click. Use the {subid} placeholder to pass it to the URL of the redirect or offer.

# User Agent

The information about the click's device, operating system, and browser.

# X-Requested-With

The request header received by the tracker from the browser or webview app.

# Сonversion reports

# Conv. ID

Conversion ID, an internal parameter of the tracker, serial number of the conversion.

# Original status

The status that was transferred in postback with the conversion.

# Params

The click data that was sent in the postback.

# Previous status

The previous status of the conversion (if available).

# Sale time since click made (period between click and sale time)

Shows how much time passed between the click and receiving a conversion with a sale status.

# Status

The current status of the conversion.


A unique Transaction ID, used for the additional sales (rebills).