# Flows
Flows are needed to distribute clicks and forward clicks to content contained inside flows.
# How flows work
Keitaro makes the following steps to decide what flow to use.
- Takes a group of Forced Flows.
- Starting from the first Forced Flow, it checks the filters of each flow.
- If forced click doesn't suitable for all the Forced Flows, Keitaro takes the next group Regular flows.
- The way Keitaro checks Regular Flows is depending on whether split-testing is turned on or not.
- (Split-testing is off) Keitaro checks the flows from the first to the last.
- (Split-testing is on). Check the video about split-testing. Keitaro checks if binding is on and if the device has already visited that campaign. If yes, it uses the previously selected flow. If no, it takes a random flow, checking its filters. If click doesn't suitable for the filters, it takes the next random flow.
- If no regular flow is selected, Keitaro uses Default Flow.
- If no Default Flow in campaign, Keitaro triggers Do Nothing action.
If stream is chosen, Keitaro follows the Flow Schema:
# Flows setting
Monitoring expert team enterprise
# Flow types
- Forced. The flows that intercept clicks before regular flows.
- Regular. Normal flows.
- Default. Keitaro uses that flow if the click isn't suitable for any other flows to don't pass traffic away.
# Position
Set the position among other flows.
# Weight
Keitaro uses the weight to calculate share in clicks' distribution when split-testing is turned on.
# Collect clicks
When turned off, Keitaro doesn't save the clicks to statistics.
# Status
Turns flow on or off.
# Schema
- Split of landing pages or offers.
- Direct Redirect.
- Action.
# Filters
See Filters page.
# Monitoring
See Monitoring page.
# Bulk actions
Mark flows to make available bulk actions.
# Delete
Moves the selected flows to Archive.
# Clone
Clone the selected flows.
# Replace
Find and replace part substrings in flow URLs.
Keitaro can only replace in flow URLs. Replacing Landing and Offer URLs isn't supported.
# Equalize
Makes weight equal.
# Favourite flows
Press on that icon to make a flow favourite:
To insert a favourite flow, open dropdown, then on the favourite flow:
Important notes
- Favourite flows are shared among campaigns and users.
- On inserting the favourite flow, it will be cloned.
# Statistics
# Clicks
Clicks count.
# UC
Unique clicks count.
# Bots
Bots count.
# Flows FAQ
Why doesn't the flow work, or why does the click go to a wrong flow?
- Go to the Maintenance → Logs → Traffic page.
- Enable traffic log.
- Make a click or wait until a click gets into a wrong flow.
- Look at a traffic log. You'll be able see how the flow filters have just functioned.
Also, have a look at the Additional → Traffic Simulation menu. You can emulate getting any user to a campaign there.
How to send non-unique visitors to the same flows?
Use option Bind visitors in campaign settings.
How to send non-unique visitors to the new flows?
Add filter Uniqueness in the flows.
How to intercept first X clicks in a campaign?
Use filter Limit clicks
How to grab distinction from external service?
Use Monitoring feature or REMOTE redirect.
How to send clicks to a specific flow?
Add a filter by one of a parameter, for example by "Sub ID 1". Give it a value 1
Add the same parameter to Campaign URL. Example:
If there are other flows that can intercept a click, add the sample filter, but in opposite mode (YES → NO).
How to intercept clicks from specific country?
Use Country filter. Campaign example:
- Flow 1. Country
. - Flow 2. Country
. - Flow 3. Country
How to separate desktop and mobile phone between two flows?
Use Device type filter in the flows. Example:
How to get flow IDs?
Hide campaign settings by pressing that button: